Notes 8.5 (beta) for the Mac

It’s been an interesting few days for my thinking about Notes on my beloved Mac platform.

On Friday I was in despair, having read in the release notes for the newest version of the private beta for Notes 8.0.1, the following worrying note:

“Notes on Macintosh OS X is expected to be available with Notes release 8.5.”

i.e. that we should not expect a Mac version of Notes 8 in the Notes 8.0.x timeframe.

There followed an interesting email discussion with Ed, where I outlined my feelings on this (that a great many people would be very disappointed with this news, that the Notes community has experienced a big swing to the Mac platform this year, and that I was sure that Lotus had committed to a Mac version of 8.0.1), and Ed explained the good business reasons why this had taken place.

So, the last thing I had expected is that we would be presented with a downloadable version of a public beta of Notes 8.5 for the Mac within the next 2 days.  Amazing!  And a great way for Lotus to completely change the way in which this news would be handled.

Image:Notes 8.5 (beta) for the Mac

So, get your download engine started now!  Download Notes 8.5 Beta for the Mac here (well at least when the page starts responding again – I think that a LOT of folks are downloading this right now!).  The forum for the beta program is responding, and is available here.

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