dji spark white

DJI Spark launches. Seize the moment!

This looks amazing. The new DJI Spark. Smaller than your average smartphone:

Meet Spark, DJI’s first ever mini drone. Signature technologies, new gesture control, and unbelievable portability make your aerials more fun and intuitive than ever before. With five different colors, there’s a Spark for everyone.

Casey Neistat and Marques Brownlee have already taken a look:

The Spark costs just $499 and is available for order today in the US for shipping on 15th June.

Whilst other DJI drones may be more capable – the Spark only has a 2-axis gimbal compared to the Mavic’s 3-axis, and only shoots 1080p video –  the price and size of the Spark looks very persuasive…


Blogging 365

New Year, New Start and all that… 

Looking back, there’s no doubt that my blogging output has fallen away over the past few years as other forms of social contribution have risen (podcasts, Twitter, enterprise communities), and I want 2017 to be different. 

I love that blog posts are the one form of created content that still offer a continuous timeline from the early days of social media through to today. As other platforms have risen, become popular and then fallen away again, the ability to add content to one’s own hosted blog (and to always retrieve it again) has remained constant. Even as I’ve allowed domains to lapse (and there have been a few!), or shifted blog engines (RIP DominoBlog) it’s been possible to easily consolidate posts and to keep the thoughts and comments they contained online. 

Even if no one ever reads the posts (which thankfully isn’t the case!), there is more than enough value in the journalling aspect to justify the time taken to write and publish.

So, 2017 is going to be the year that I finally get organised and refocus on my blogs, particularly this one. To that end, I’m going to take my own advice that I offer to just about all enterprise community managers, and to get serious about a publishing schedule! A weekly set of planned post categories that reduce writing inertia, making it easier to get the virtual pen to paper, plus space to allow the more creative thoughts to bubble to the surface. 

No more leaving posting to the vagaries of the daily workload, or to the late afternoon when tiredness and family distractions tend to kick in.There’s nothing like a daily to-do notification (or even paper calendar entry) demanding to be checked to not only kick off a new habit but to keep it going. Once a streak is past a month or so in length, it tends to become far less stressful to keep it going than to let allow it to lapse. Well, that’s the experience I’ve had anyway!

2017 is going to be the year of 365+ posts here on A minimum of one per day. A year to make blogging (and the conversations that it starts) a core element of my personal and professional contribution once more. Better get cracking…

Gil Scott Heron

‘Mandate my ass!’

Not much has changed in 35 years…

Full lyrics (via azlyrics):

Well, the first thing I want to say is: Mandate my ass!

Because it seems as though we’ve been convinced that 26% of the registered voters, not even 26% of the American people, but 26% of the registered voters form a mandate or a landslide. 21% voted for Skippy and 3, 4% voted for somebody else who might have been running.

But, oh yeah, I remember. In this year that we have now declared the year from Shogun to Reagan, I remember what I said about Reagan, I meant it. Acted like an actor. Hollyweird. Acted like a liberal. Acted like General Franco when he acted like governor of California, then he acted like a Republican. Then he acted like somebody was going to vote for him for president. And now we act like 26% of the registered voters is actually a mandate. We’re all actors in this I suppose.

What has happened is that in the last 20 years, America has changed from a producer to a consumer. And all consumers know that when the producer names the tune, the consumer has got to dance. That’s the way it is. We used to be a producer – very inflexible at that, and now we are consumers and, finding it difficult to understand. Natural resources and minerals will change your world. The Arabs used to be in the 3rd World. They have bought the 2nd World and put a firm down payment on the 1st one. Controlling your resources we’ll control your world. This country has been surprised by the way the world looks now. They don’t know if they want to be Matt Dillon or Bob Dylan. They don’t know if they want to be diplomats or continue the same policy – of nuclear nightmare diplomacy. John Foster Dulles ain’t nothing but the name of an airport now.

The idea concerns the fact that this country wants nostalgia. They want to go back as far as they can – even if it’s only as far as last week. Not to face now or tomorrow, but to face backwards. And yesterday was the day of our cinema heroes riding to the rescue at the last possible moment. The day of the man in the white hat or the man on the white horse – or the man who always came to save America at the last moment – someone always came to save America at the last moment – especially in “B” movies. And when America found itself having a hard time facing the future, they looked for people like John Wayne. But since John Wayne was no longer available, they settled for Ronald Reagan and it has placed us in a situation that we can only look at -like a “B” movie.

Come with us back to those inglorious days when heroes weren’t zeros. Before fair was square. When the cavalry came straight away and all-American men were like Hemingway to the days of the wondrous “B” movie. The producer underwritten by all the millionaires necessary will be Casper “The Defensive” Weinberger – no more animated choice is available. The director will be Attila the Haig, running around frantically declaring himself in control and in charge. The ultimate realization of the inmates taking over at the asylum. The screenplay will be adapted from the book called “Voodoo Economics” by George “Papa Doc” Bush. Music by the “Village People” the very military “Macho Man.”

“Macho, macho man!”
“He likes to be .. well, you get the point.”
“Huuut! Your left! Your left! Your left, right, left, right, left, right…!”

A theme song for saber-rallying and selling wars door-to-door. Remember, we’re looking for the closest thing we can find to John Wayne. Clichés abound like kangaroos – courtesy of some spaced out Marlin Perkins, a Reagan contemporary. Clichés like, “itchy trigger finger” and “tall in the saddle” and “riding off or on into the sunset.” Clichés like, “Get off of my planet by sundown!” More so than clichés like, “he died with his boots on.” Marine tough the man is. Bogart tough the man is. Cagney tough the man is. Hollywood tough the man is. Cheap steak tough. And Bonzo’s substantial. The ultimate in synthetic selling: A Madison Avenue masterpiece – a miracle – a cotton-candy politician…Presto! Macho!

“Macho, macho man!”

Put your orders in America. And quick as Kodak your leaders duplicate with the accent being on the dupes – cause all of a sudden we have fallen prey to selective amnesia – remembering what we want to remember and forgetting what we choose to forget. All of a sudden, the man who called for a blood bath on our college campuses is supposed to be Dudley “God-damn” Do-Right?

“You go give them liberals hell Ronnie.” That was the mandate to the new Captain Bligh on the new ship of fools. It was doubtlessly based on his chameleon performance of the past: as a Liberal Democrat. As the head of the Studio Actor’s Guild, when other celluloid saviors were cringing in terror from McCarthy, Ron stood tall. It goes all the way back from Hollywood to hillbilly. From Liberal to libelous, from “Bonzo” to Birch idol, born again. Civil rights, women’s rights, gay rights: …it’s all wrong. Call in the cavalry to disrupt this perception of freedom gone wild. God damn it, first one wants freedom, then the whole damn world wants freedom.

Nostalgia, that’s what we want…: the good ol’ days, when we gave’em hell. When the buck stopped somewhere and you could still buy something with it. To a time when movies were in black and white, and so was everything else. Even if we go back to the campaign trail, before six-gun Ron shot off his face and developed hoof-in-mouth. Before the free press went down before full-court press, and were reluctant to review the menu because they knew the only thing available was…Crow.

Lon Chaney, our man of a thousand faces: no match for Ron. Doug Henning does the make-up; special effects from Grecian Formula 16 and Crazy Glue; transportation furnished by the David Rockefeller of Remote Control Company. Their slogan is, “Why wait for 1984? You can panic now…and avoid the rush.”

So much for the good news….

As Wall Street goes, so goes the nation. And here’s a look at the closing numbers: racism’s up, human rights are down, peace is shaky, war items are hot. The House claims all ties. Jobs are down, money is scarce, and common sense is at an all-time low on heavy trading. Movies were looking better than ever, and now no one is looking, because we’re starring in a “B” movie. And we would rather had…John Wayne. We would rather had…John Wayne.

“You don’t need to be in no hurry.
You ain’t never really got to worry.
And you don’t need to check on how you feel.
Just keep repeating that none of this is real.
And if you’re sensing, that something’s wrong,
Well just remember, that it won’t be too long
Before the director cuts the scene. yea.”

“This ain’t really your life,
Ain’t really your life,
Ain’t really ain’t nothing but a movie.”

[Refrain repeated approximately 20 times]

“This ain’t really your life,
Ain’t really your life,
Ain’t really ain’t nothing but a movie.”

Ekta front view

Kodak announces Ektra smartphone featuring 21 megapixel f/2.0 lens

The EKTRA Smartphone announced yesterday is named and modelled after one of Kodak’s classic rangefinders. From the back it resembles a standard point-and-shoot camera, with an oversized (for phone standards) f/2.0 lens protruding from a faux black leather surface. When it comes to specifications, it has a 21 megapixel fast focus sensor, with 6-axis optical image stabilisation and 4K video capture. The device also packs an ‘industry leading’ 13-megapixel front-facing camera with Phase Detection Auto Focus (PDAF) and /f2.2 aperture.

Robert Paterson - old culture has to die

The old culture has to die

Most organizations remain bound by the old rules. The power systems all use the old models. Only a handful of organizations have made the move. To make this kind of change, the old culture in the organization has to die. – Robert Paterson

It’s so refreshing when I engage with an organisation that views collaboration, productivity and efficiency through this lens. Tools alone cannot change an organisation or its employees’ work styles. Technological improvements must always be accompanied (or indeed, lead) by cultural change.

It can wait

Just a glance…

Such a powerful message from AT&T.

(I’m starting to think that it might need to be illegal to have a mobile phone in view on your dash – so easy to have a phone there for calls or navigation but to be distracted by a notification. Either that or the smartphone OSs need to have a semi-automatic option to disable notifications from appearing in that situation?)

Harvey Mackay

Inspiring others

A mediocre person tells.
A good person explains.
A superior person demonstrates.
A great person inspires others to see for themselves.
– Harvey Mackay

Thinking of this quote a lot at present when delivering strategy workshops and training sessions. There’s really no excuse for failing to always attempt to lift one’s own performance up the next level, no matter how tough that can sometimes be.

Silicon Valley

What if we offered you stock options?

I worked one job and when I finally quit, they had the VP bring me in to ask why. I said, “Well, if you want me to be honest, I come in here on Monday and I’m completely miserable. I have no rapport with anybody. By the end of the day I want to shoot myself.” He looked at me and he said, “What if we offered you stock options?”

Awesome quote from Mike Judge (creator and executive producer of Silicon Valley)… If you haven’t caught the show yet, definitely recommended!


Yahoo shutters Pipes

Thank you for using Yahoo Pipes! To help focus our efforts on core Yahoo product experiences, users will no longer be able to create new Pipes starting August 30th 2015. The service will be put in read-only mode until we will discontinue Yahoo Pipes on September 30th 2015.

Yahoo Pipes screnshotWell that sucks big time.  Not altogether unsurprising given the lack of attention that Yahoo had paid to Pipes over the last few years (as an indicator, the last post on the Yahoo Pipes blog before the EoL notice was back in 2012), but even so, there are very few services around the net that provided such a comprehensive toolkit of feed and app integrations.  I’d used Pipes for at least half a decade, primarily for aggregating my many blogs into one consolidated feed, and had looked around for alternatives on at least three or four occasions, but had never found an alternative with the power and ease-of-use that Pipes offered. A sad day.

An aside: did Pipes ever actually make it out of beta?


Nasdaq Top 10 – 1999 and now…

Nasdaq 1999 to 2015

Some observations:

  1. The almost unbelievable resurgence of Apple is probably the biggest story.
  2. Microsoft and Intel have both lost almost 50% of their value over the past 15 years.
  3. The appearance and stellar growth of Google, Amazon and Facebook.
  4. You’ve gotta think that the acquisition of Sun Microsystems in 2009 wasn’t their greatest move (though the fact that the acquisition only cost $5.6bn when the organisation was worth $117bn 10 years earlier suggests that the decline was well underway).
  5. IBM doesn’t appear in either list. Doh, IBM isn’t on the Nasdaq. Thanks Per!

Use and Adoption of IBM Connections – State of the Market 4Q2014

Michael Sampson has just published the results of this year’s IBM Connections usage survey: Michael Sampson

A couple of months ago I kicked off a global survey on the use and adoption of IBM Connections. The survey garnered 58 valid responses, and the results are finally available.

They are really fascinating results and statistics, and it’s going to take a while to digest them!

You can download the report directly from Michael’s site.


An update on IBM Connections and the POODLE vulnerability

*** UPDATE: 10:53GMT, 3 November 2014 ***

As reader Oliver Regelmann has commented below, these fixes are sadly not for the POODLE issue at all, but to fix an altogether different vulnerability in Connections, caused by a issue in Apache Commons FileUpload.

My fellow contributor, Sjaak Ursinus, created a detailed post a couple of weeks back detailing the impact that the POODLE vulnerability could have on your IBM Connections platform, and the steps required to code a route around the issue (though Sjaak himself noted that it wasn’t much of a workaround).  If you haven’t heard of POODLE, then I suggest you go read Sjaak’s post now.

Just a few days ago, IBM Connections product manager Luis Benitez added a comment to the post linking to IBMs technote on the topic.

Since then, IBM has released a further update, and this post attempts to bring you the latest news on the issue.

Firstly, the vulnerability itself:

A security vulnerability was reported against Apache Commons FileUpload. IBM Connections uses Apache Commons FileUpload. A version of the package that is vulnerable to these issues is used in several past versions of IBM Connections. To fix this vulnerability apply the fixes as detailed in the Remediation section.

CVE-ID: CVE-2014-0050
Description: in Apache Commons FileUpload before 1.3.1, as used in Apache Tomcat, JBoss Web, and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (infinite loop and CPU consumption) via a crafted Content-Type header that bypasses a loop’s intended exit conditions.
CVSS Base Score: 5.0
CVSS Temporal Score: See for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)

This vulnerability affects all versions of IBM Connections, including all releases under IBM support and maintenance, i.e. 5.0, 4.5, 4.0 and

The good news is that IBM has released fixes for all these versions, including the somewhat ancient, which I think is pretty impressive:

Apply the appropriate fix pack or APAR to remediate these issues as per this table. Note, if possible, it is always recommended to upgrade to the most recent release of IBM Connections.

Product Version Remediation
IBM Connections 5.0 Upgrade to IBM Connections 5.0 CR1
IBM Connections 4.5 Upgrade to IBM Connections 4.5 CR5 and apply Interim Fix APAR LO82478
IBM Connections 4.0 Upgrade to IBM Connections 4.0 CR4 and apply Interim Fix APAR LO82478
IBM Connections Upgrade to IBM Connections CR3 and apply Interim Fix APAR LO82478
IBM Connections 3.0.1 and earlier releases Either upgrade to IBM Connections 5.0 CR1 or upgrade to IBM Connections CR3 , apply prerequisites and apply APAR LO82478

Whichever version of IBM Connections you run, my advice is that it really is imperative to get these fixes onto your systems as quickly as is reasonably possible – particularly if your Connections system is available to external access.

POODLE bug hits IBM Connections hard

Last Monday there is again found a big hole in the SSL Version 3 (SSLv3) technology. We call this bug POODLE which stands for Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption. So with this bug found and you as admin for your IBM Connections your first reaction would be lets disable SSLV3 on my front end web server (which is generally in an IBM Connections environment the IBM HTTP Server). Well when you do this you will be surprised by the outcome. You will discover that your environment doesn’t work anymore. I will try to explain here in short what happens.

IBM Connections has an HTTP Client embedded in the applications. This client is based on the open source Apache Commons HTTP Client. This client is only used for creating HTTP traffic and basically has nothing to do with SSL/TLS itself. The IBMJSSE2 library (which is part of websphere itself) is the library used for creating the SSL/TLS encryption layer for the HTTP data. So what basically happens is that the Apache Commons HTTP Client is used to create an http message and that that message is given to the IBMJSSE2 libary to encrypt it and send it (it is a bit more complicated than this but to make it understandable you can use this as a reference).

Within IBM Connections it seems that currently the Apache Commons HTTP Client is configured so that it tells the IBMJSSE2 library to only use SSLv3 where the IBMJSSE2 library is perfectly suited to use higher levels of encryption like TLSv1 and higher, this depends on the version of this library used which is delivered with websphere, so it basically means it depends on which version of websphere you run what types of TLS versions are supported. As you can understand that if you have just disabled SSLv3 on your front end server you will run into an problem now. When one of the IBM Connections applications needs to access one of the other apps via the web front end it will try to do that with SSLv3 which you have disabled on your front end server. So it can’t make a connection and voila your environment is dead 🙂

One of the solution which can be used to downscale the bug in your environment is as follows. We just have seen that disabling SSLv3 isn’t an option where IBM communicates otherwise. We can add some lines to the HTTP config file to check who is trying to build an SSLv3 connection to the webserver and if we identify that the source is our IBM Connections environment we allow it and otherwise we redirect it to a SSLv3 isn’t allowed sorry page on your environment.

What you can do is add these lines to your config

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} !<your_ip_address_of _websphere_server>
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !errorpages/(.*)
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ https://<FQHN>/errorpages/ssl_errorpage.html [R,L,NE]

What this basically does it test the incoming connection on if it is a SSLV1/SSLV2/SSLV3 connection and if it is then it test if the incoming connection is coming from websphere, if so then it will allow the traffic, if not comming from websphere you will be redirected to an self created error page where you can describe that you don’t allow SSL anymore but only TLS.

It is really a workaround and I don’t say it is the best solution but it is at least more than nothing. I really hope IBM comes with a fix fast ! With this implemented you can at least be sure that sensitive information isn’t being sent over SSL.


Update 18-Nov-2014
As Luis commented on this article. IBM Has delivered an fix today for the POODLE bug for IBM Connections from version 3.0.1 trough version 5. Here is the link to the TechNote document