Enabling @mentions and in-line likes in IBM Connections 4.0 CR2

Here’s how to enable @mentions and inline likes in IBM Connections 4 CR2 (the features were included in the release but no documentation was available for how to enable them):

1) add the following to LotusConnections-config.xml (under <versionStamp> at the bottom)

<genericProperty name=”com.ibm.connections.ublog.AtMentionsEnabled”>enabled</genericProperty>
<genericProperty name=”com.ibm.lconn.microblogging.inlineLiking”>enabled</genericProperty>
<genericProperty name=”com.ibm.lconn.microblogging.peoplePicker”>enabled</genericProperty>

2) Perform a full synchronisation of your nodes, then restart servers running Homepage app.

Great discovery by Erik Sorensen. Thanks Erik! (A hat tip to Gert van Kempen and Femke Goedhart who found and shared this)

UPDATE 15 Feb 2013:

  • You may need to reformat this text to replace the “s with standard double quotes in plain text.
  • The ‘com.ibm.lconn.news.service.interfaces.AtMentions’ attribute that was originally mentioned in this post is not necessary.
  • You must have WebSphere and the three manadatory fixes installed for this to work.

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